Basic Teaching Labs for TU Wien Informatics
This sites targets teaching personnel of the basic teaching labs for TU Wien Informatics. Information and howtos for students may be found on the individual labs sites (listed below).
.inf² LabsTeam
The Informatics Infrastructure LabsTeam supervises all basic teaching Labs for TU Wien Informatics. This includes maintenance of hard- and software infrastructure in these labs as well as supporting teaching personnel regarding the labs.
Our labs are:
- DSLab in Argentinierstraße 8 (1 room, 25 computers)
- InfLab in Favoritenstraße 9-11 (3 rooms + entrance area, 62 computers)
- TILab in Treitlstraße 1-3 (5 rooms, 41 computers)
For information regarding holding courses and exams in our labs please visit the teaching page.
Contact / Support
To contact us just take a look at our GitLab and open an issue regarding your lab (project has the name of the lab) or as teaching personnel in the org project:
To login into our GitLab, no subscription is necessary - just use your TUaccount. The coordination project for course staff is on invitation only - a 404 is normal behavior until you’ve been granted access. Please send us an email after your first login.
You may also find us in the public TUmatrix room #inf2-labs.
In urgent cases, write us an email or call us:
+43 1 58801 199250
You may visit us here:
Favoritenstraße 9-11
Room HEEG54A
1040 Wien